The Member Spotlight Q&A is part of an ongoing CASSS series, in which we invite members to meet other members of the CASSS Community.
The Member Spotlight is an ongoing Q&A series focused on getting to know the CASSS community. Today’s spotlight shines on Vinaya Kapoor, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs at Tricida Inc.
Q. What was your motivation to volunteer with CASSS?
To me, CASSS represents the perfect confluence of regulatory, analytical, and process science experts from industry, government (health authorities), and academia working together to address challenging issues with a scientific and regulatory lens. CASSS also holds a special place in my heart because of its origins in the Bay Area where I live; as we all know, CASSS has since grown to be a thriving, global organization!
Q. What do you do to relax? Do you have any hobbies?
I have many outlets to relax, and don't seem to go back to specific one or two hobbies. I love to spend time with family. I also play with my little ever-energetic Maltese-Poodle. I aim for Zumba on Saturday mornings. I enjoy reading, cooking & traveling to different places globally (seldom do we repeat a location). I do a fair bit of gardening and am currently updating my garden plants to native and low water species. The list of things I like to do in my free time can go on, needless to say I am never bored
Q. What's your favorite type of food or special dish you cook? Why?
I like a variety of foods and cook many cuisines; Mediterranean and Thai are among favorites. I also like baking banana bread and carrot cake (feels less guilty with the fruit/vegetable worked in), and my kids say they love it - so I trust they come out good!
Q. What is your favorite movie, tv show, music or book?
I am enjoying reading "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster'' by Bill Gates. Plenty more to learn in this space; while it is a different area than drug development, scientific and regulatory considerations are key.
Music: Rock/Pop/Jazz, Meghan Trainor, Frank Sinatra, Dave Brubeck
Favorite Movies: The Sting, Mamma Mia, Top Gun
Q. What famous person (dead or alive) would you choose to have dinner with? Why?
Barack Obama - needs no introduction. He is self-made through hard work and perseverance. I have enjoyed reading his books which taken together articulate his vision, commitment, and journey.
Q. What’s your favorite travel experience?
I have more than one favorite: Yellowstone National Park for pristine beauty and richness of nature; Istanbul for a beautiful juxtaposition of history, religion, architecture, food, culture, and its unique geographical location.
Q. What would people be surprised to know about you?
In my spare time, I am taking a class on Urban Forestry. Urban trees matter more than ever; play a key role in climate resiliency (carbon sink and sequestration, reducing heat island effect) and public health (air quality for respiratory & CV health, access to nature for mental & physical health). Tree canopy equity is also important for social and climate equity; there is much to be done through volunteer and community work, and time is precious.
Q. How did you get inspired to go into science/biotech/pharma industry?
I was raised in a family that emphasized and valued scientific thinking and education. My father is a physicist and my mother taught high school math. I always enjoyed science, and the biotech/pharma industry inspired me since my middle-school days.
Q. If you did anything other than your current occupation, what would it be?
Climate and sustainability science.