Emerging Leader in the Advancement of Scientific Knowledge Award
Emerging Leader in the Advancement of Scientific Knowledge Award (ELAA)
The ELAA Award aims to provide early career professionals, PhD students, or post-docs with the opportunity to work side-by-side with industry, regulatory, and academic leaders to create content that is integral to the success of a Symposium. This recognition is an opportunity for awardees to be part of the conversation when creating scientific content while cultivating opportunities for knowledge sharing.
Meet the 2025 WCBP Symposium Award Winners:
Why Apply
Apply Now
All applicants must be currently enrolled in full (or near full)-time study for a formal academic qualification (e.g. degree, PhD), or be no more than 5 years from the commencement of their first postdoctoral or industrial position. Underrepresented minorities are highly encouraged to apply for this prestigious opportunity.
To be considered, applicants will submit the following:
- Detailed proposal which includes your topic, abstract (300 words or less), session objectives (questions that you aim to address during the duration of the session), as well as any supplemental materials or case studies that will guide the session. Please include a description of the proposed session format, and any additional contributors that can enhance the content.
- Statement of interest (300 words or less) which discusses your interest in the attending WCBP 2025, working with the Scientific Organizing Committee, and how this award will enhance your academic and/or professional path.
- Brief biography
- Letter of recommendation from an academic advisor or supervisor
- Detailed CV or résumé, to include any previous experience presenting at a scientific conference
Developing your proposal:
The theme of WCBP 2025 is “Transformative Solutions”, which is a concept rooted in the idea of “alchemy” where ordinary things are transformed into something extraordinary. When developing your proposal, consider focusing on content that seek to address the following questions:
- ID and Dissolve Barriers: What are our critical barriers to overcome?
- Creative Solutions: What are the most inventive and diverse solutions to sustainably meet the needs of patients
- Community Legacy & Impact: How do we maximize the use of our community to amplify our global impact?
Suggested topics can include, but are not limited to, any of the following:
- Global implementation of new technologies and changes, different perspectives
- Patient-centric specifications
- Analytical platform methods/ICHQ2R2 implementation
- Device/combination product challenges
- Microbiological considerations: LER, refiltration for biologics, inspections, IRs
- Breakthrough technologies for comparability and characterization
- Cutting edge science: feature novel creative analytical solutions
- Prior knowledge to support clinical and marketing authorization submissions and case studies
- Digital solutions (data management, modeling, submissions, etc)
- Conjugated Products - beyond ADCs
- Raw materials, supply chain, and sustainability
- Scaling to a rapidly expanding drug demand forecast with the current global manufacturing capacity constraints
- Mutual recognition agreement
- Small startup/virtual company problems: challenges that are unique to small companies/academic