The Member Spotlight Q&A is part of an ongoing CASSS series, in which we invite members to meet other members of the CASSS Community.
The Member Spotlight is an ongoing Q&A series focused on getting to know the CASSS community. Today’s spotlight shines on SungAe Suhr Park, Advisor at Korea Biotechnology Industry Organization.
Q. What was your motivation to volunteer with CASSS?
I became a volunteer to help organize the CE Pharm meeting.
Q. What do you do to relax? Do you have any hobbies?
Meditation and listening to Bupruyn Sunim talk.
Q. What's your favorite type of food or special dish you cook? Why?
Korean rib for BBQ or stew. To entertain others to celebrate special occasions.
Q. What is your favorite movie, tv show, music, or book?
Sci-fi movies. Back to the Future. The Jurassic Park movies. Korean movies with a nice family story to show they love and care for each other. My favorite music includes classical music and Korean pop music.
Q. What famous person (dead or alive) would you choose to have dinner with? Why?
My father-in-law. He was a famous and respected person when he was alive (that was the reason I married my husband) but he died too young (7 years after I married). I did not have many chances to spend time with him.
Q. What’s your favorite travel experience?
Bordeaux, France trip with a high school friend. And I arranged a 30th high school reunion trip from Korea to California including a Mexico cruise with 100 friends from all over the world.
Q. What would people be surprised to know about you?
How I married with my husband.
Q. How did you get inspired to go into science/biotech/pharma industry?
I wanted to be a medical doctor to cure people but my mom told me that I was too weak to be an MD. She recommended being a pharmacist instead to help more patients.
Q. If you did anything other than your current occupation, what would it be?
Singer and dancer.