The Member Spotlight is an ongoing Q&A series focused on getting to know the CASSS community. Today’s spotlight shines on Shawn Novick, Principle Consultant at Biophia Consulting.
Shawn became an Associate Director in February 2013. She has participated on many CASSS committees and volunteered at meetings over the years including CMC North America and WCBP.
Shawn Novick speaking with the WCBP 2025 Scientific Organizing Committee.
Q. What was your motivation to volunteer with CASSS?
I had participated in CASSS meetings for years, seeing many colleagues who were working through the same issues I was facing. I have always volunteered time to things I was passionate about. At some point I realized that I could help put a meeting together by contributing to the organizational effort. That seemed like a way to participate more in the scientific "conversation" than by only attending or even presenting.
Q. What do you do to relax? Do you have any hobbies?
Most recently my hobby is my house, which has been in varying degrees of remodel since September 2019. I also just adopted a new dog and have a goal of elevating my doodling to an artform.
Q. What's your favorite type of food or special dish you cook? Why?
I admit that I am not much of a cook. And my favorite type of food is the uncooked kind - sushi, sashimi, and poke. But of course, I live in the PNW so salmon cooked in various ways is a constant, often with some version of Asian veggie.
Q. What is your favorite movie, tv show, music, or book?
I used to answer the "Favorite movie" question with Blade Runner. But, my newest favorite movie is Arrival - I am fascinated by language and how our language influences us. My go-to music is bluegrass, mariachi, and indie-rock. I don't know that I can provide a favorite book but an author I have enjoyed and re-read is Robertson Davies.
Q. What famous person (dead or alive) would you choose to have dinner with? Why?
This is a difficult question because I would be so intimidated by whoever I chose so it would have to be someone who could put me at ease. I think Obama would be fascinating. I just saw a recorded interview with J.R.R. Tolkien and he seemed very interesting and open. He was also interested in language so it could be fun to hash that out with him.
Q. What’s your favorite travel experience?
Definitely an experience where I spend a long time in another culture. That could be 6 months in Spain or 6 months in New Orleans - just long enough to get a feel for the people and place.
Q. What would people be surprised to know about you?
I worked for 3 years on a NOAA ship in Alaska.
Q. How did you get inspired to go into science/biotech/pharma industry?
I wanted to be a marine biologist but found out I got seasick - so switched to biochemistry. Once I made the switch, I was hired by a small biotech in Seattle and started my career.
Q. If you did anything other than your current occupation, what would it be?
Aside from a Marine Biologist? I would work in a museum as an art expert - specialty Medieval to Northern Renaissance.