The Member Spotlight is an ongoing Q&A series focused on getting to know the CASSS community. Today’s spotlight shines on Nomalie Jaya, Executive Director of Analytical Development and Quality Control at Immunome.
Nomalie has participated on many CASSS Committees over the years including CE Pharm, CMC North America, Northern California (NorCal) Regional Forum, and WCBP. In 2020, she joined the CASSS Associate Directors and was nominated and voted into the CASSS Board of Directors in 2024. Nomalie has attended, presented, and volunteered in CASSS meetings throughout the years, including the Bay Area Discussion Group, CE Pharm, CMC North America, and WCBP.
Q. What was your motivation to volunteer with CASSS?
My first CASSS experience was CE Pharm. At that meeting, I experienced how a volunteer-based organizing committee was responsible for putting together an amazing meeting. The volunteers were from industry, health authorities, and vendor companies, and they had first-hand experience on the hot topics, what needed to be addressed, and where the conversation in CE needed to go. I thought that they brought their insights to create a really impactful meeting and I was really impressed with the caliber of presentations, discussions, and network opportunities with industry, healthy authority, and vendors. I loved the camaraderie; I was new but I was immediately welcomed. That energy is where I thought I should give back as well and participate and contribute with my experience so that's how I got engaged with volunteering with CASSS.
Q. What do you do to relax? Do you have any hobbies?
I have a hard time relaxing (I'm told). I love physical activity. I always wanna be on the go so working out, going for a good run, and hiking are some things I love to do. I live in the Pacific Northwest and there's always a mountain ready to be climbed or a trail waiting to be explored so there's no shortage of outdoor activities. I love just exploring outside. I also love trying out new recipes. I find cooking to be relaxing if I'm not following the recipe to a T and if I get to be creative.
Q. What's your favorite type of food or special dish you cook? Why?
I'm originally from Sri Lanka but I never learned to cook when I lived there. So over the years while living in the States, I gained an appreciation for the food I grew up with and I taught myself how to cook Sri Lankan food. Now, when I have relatives visiting from Sri Lanka, I give them a list of spices and herbs and things to bring with them and with these, I experiment with all different types of dishes.
Q. What is your favorite movie, tv show, music, or book?
I'm currently reading a book called The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese. He's an author who is a physician and he incorporates various aspects of his trade in his novel. That's kind of fun for somebody with a scientific background to see these
unique ailments. I highly recommend.
Q. What famous person (dead or alive) would you choose to have dinner with? Why?
I'm going to pick my maternal and paternal grandparents. Simply because my maternal grandparents passed away before I was born and I only know them through pictures and family stories. They had 11 children, so they had plenty of people to help construct their lives. For my paternal grandparents, I did know them for a brief period of time. They also had 7 children. Why I would love to have dinner with them is because I have one daughter 14 years old and I am needing parenting tips. I can't imagine parenting 11 and 7 children so I would love to talk about their experience, their decisions, and get parenting tips on raising a 14-year-old daughter.
Q. What’s your favorite travel experience?
I have a few but the most recent one is one of my favorites. Last Christmas, we went to Costa Rica and it's been one of my bucket list destinations and the trip really lived up to all my expectations. We got to do everything from ziplining, waterfall repelling, canyoning, and parasailing. It was such a fun time and we enjoyed some amazing food along the way.
Q. What would people be surprised to know about you?
I love a good physical challenge. To overcome my fear of heights, I started rock climbing and I've always been open to these new adventures, even if they initially seem a bit scary and seemingly daunting. Currently, I'm training for and very determined to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. To build stamina, I've started doing CrossFit which is it's own adventure.
Q. How did you get inspired to go into the science/biotech/pharma industry?
My mom is a scientist and as I grew up, she first studied for her Master's and then her Ph.D. in horticulture so I grew up around parents who were studying and who really pursued higher education in science so that was my influence to go into the field of science. I loved it, I'm glad I did it.
Q. If you did anything other than your current occupation, what would it be?
I've always wanted to be a physician and work for Doctors Without Borders and be able to serve in conflict zones. I always thought that would be really valuable to go in and use my skills as a physician to help out because there is a lot of need in lots of parts of the world.