The Member Spotlight Q&A is part of an ongoing CASSS series, in which we invite members to meet other members of the CASSS Community.
The Member Spotlight is an ongoing Q&A series focused on getting to know the CASSS community. Today’s spotlight shines on Dhanuka Wasalathanthri, Associate Director at Bristol Myers Squibb.
Q. What was your motivation to volunteer with CASSS?
I'm passionate about strategic development of biotherapeutic modalities & technologies for patients with unmet needs faster and effectively. CASSS creates a unique platform to bring industry and regulatory experts together to realize that vision.
Q. What do you do to relax? Do you have any hobbies?
I enjoy playing Tag-Rubgy & Soccer with my friends, traveling, and nature photography.
Q. What's your favorite type of food or special dish you cook? Why?
Traditional Sri Lankan food.
Q. What is your favorite movie, tv show, music or book?
Tombstone (1993). I love learning the old Western US history. In fact, I recently visited the town of Tombstone (AZ) to see and experience some of the remnant structures & buildings.
Q. What famous person (dead or alive) would you choose to have dinner with? Why?
Elon Musk. I'm amazed by his breadth of knowledge. Whether it is Renewable Energy, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Space Rockets, Economy, Business Strategy, and even Video Games...He's knowledgeable. Most importantly, he relates his explanations and thoughts with basic scientific concepts (such as Laws of Thermodynamics, Theory of Relativity, and Newton's laws...etc) and has a good sense of humor.
Q. What’s your favorite travel experience?
Travel to Lake Clark National Park in Alaska. Lake Clark is one of the least visited parks in the US due it's remote location. Few days of stay inside the park to experience Kodiak Grizzlies during Salmon rush season was memorable.
Q. What would people be surprised to know about you?
I love playing Xbox. I have a sizable collection of games.
Q. How did you get inspired to go into science/biotech/pharma industry?
I'm always passionate about science by asking the question "why" and always wanted to explore new things.
Q. If you did anything other than your current occupation, what would it be?
Professional Rugby player.