CASSS' tagline, "Sharing Science Solutions" encapsulates our community's commitment to sharing knowledge to address scientifically relevant challenges in the development of biologically derived medicines. CASSS celebrates the mission of National DNA Day to promote opportunities for anyone who wants to improve their understanding of DNA, genetics, and genomics.
Approved by the US Congress in April 2003, National DNA Day has become a global movement to recognize both the completion of the Human Genome Project and the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA.
National DNA Day is sponsored by The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) at the National Institutes of Health to raise awareness about the discovery of DNA's double helix by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953 and the successful completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003. This annual celebration offers students, teachers, and the public many exciting opportunities to learn about the latest advances in genomic research and explore how those advances might impact their lives.
The National DNA Day website features events taking place across the globe, DNA Day activities you can initiate in your children's schools or local groups, and a starter kit to help you get going. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) also offers links for creating fun learning opportunities.
DNA Day presents an opportunity for CASSS members to celebrate science and help others understand what you do. If you take part in honoring DNA Day, please share a photo or post in our LinkedIn group to help share knowledge within our CASSS community.