Next Generation Investigator Awards

Are you looking for a chance to share your work at a scientific meeting? Next Generation Investigator Awards are an excellent opportunity for graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, or early career industrial scientists to meet, network, and participate in exchanging knowledge with industry peers from across the world with waived registration and grants to offset travel expenses.

CASSS is pleased to provide a limited number of Next Generation Investigator* (NGI) for PhD students, post-docs, and early career professionals from around the world for CE Pharm 2024. Selected award winners will be required to give an oral or poster presentation at the Symposium (selected and decided by the Scientific Organizing Committee) or to write a synopsis of CE Pharm 2024 that will be posted on the website for general information. PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, or early career industrial scientists conducting research in academia or industry throughout the world are eligible.

Why should you apply?

As an award winner, your registration fees will be waived, and you will receive a travel reimbursement disseminated in local currency to offset the cost of travel to the Symposium. Stipend amount is determined by distance traveled. This is an excellent opportunity to meet, network, and participate in exchanging knowledge for mutual education with other members.

How do you apply?

Click the link below to complete the application. Please be prepared to submit a letter requesting consideration for the grant, proof of studentship or post-doc status, and letter of recommendation from your supervisor all in PDF form. If you have any questions, please contact the Symposium Manager, Kellie Greene Bailey.

Application for a travel grant or selection as an awardee does not release you from the obligation to register. If you are selected as an awardee, you are still required to register. Information on how to register will be sent with the outcome notification.

What are the requirements to apply?

All applicants must provide the following with their application:

  • Recommendation from your advisor and/or supervisor 
  • Proof of NGI* status
  • The ability to present (oral or poster) during the symposium or to write a synopsis of the 2024 CE Pharm Symposium

The deadline to submit applications was July 1, 2024.

For more information on CASSS Next Generation Investigator Awards, click here.

*CASSS defines NGIs as individuals that are either currently in full or nearly full-time study for a formal academic qualification (e.g. degree, PhD), or have less than 4 years from the commencement of their first postdoctoral or first professional industrial or governmental position. NGIs can be in academia, government, industry, or any other organization that participates in the field of biopharmaceutical development, and may be based anywhere in the world. Career breaks will be recognized.

"In academia and science we want to focus our efforts where they are most needed, and attending this conference gave me the opportunity to interact with people from different areas of the industry to see where we could have the greatest impact."
Adriana Coll De Peña, CE Pharm 2023 Award Winner
"The NGI award provided a pivotal opportunity to interact with individuals with diverse backgrounds."
—Franco Puleo, CGTP 2022
Award Winner

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