Meet our team of association professionals. We are passionate about providing outstanding educational and networking experiences and fostering a strong sense of community for our members. Reach out to us anytime with questions, feedback, or suggestions for how we can serve you better.

Dave supports the Board and its Committees in developing and implementing organizational policies and programs. He facilitates the Associate Directors committee, and is responsible for daily operations, including staff supervision, financial management and reporting.
Secret Super Power: Connectedness. I build bridges between people and groups. I help others find meaning and value by looking at the bigger picture of the world around them and give them a sense of comfort, stability, and optimism in the face of uncertainty. Strengthening the bonds between me, the people I know, and even those I will never meet gives my life meaning.

Kellie manages the Bioassays, CE Pharm, Mass Spec, and mRNA Symposium committees and is responsible for planning and implementing all aspects of these meetings.
Secret Super Power: Harmony - The ability to bring out the best in people, helping them shine brighter and achieve their full potential. Whether it's a challenging project or a team meeting, I ensure that every individual feels heard and valued, leading to solutions that are greater than the sum of their parts. This harmony allows me to maintain a positive and cohesive atmosphere in any setting.

Kristin leads the full cycle of prospecting, sales, planning, and executing exhibiting and program partner opportunities for in-person and virtual programs, while also handling exhibitor logistics and relations for CASSS meetings.
Secret Super Power: Building Relationships – The ability to establish trust and truly listen to what my clients need. I’m dedicated to guiding them toward the best solutions with persistence and care.

Randi manages the Cell and Gene Therapy Products, CGTP Summit, and CMC Latin America committees and is responsible for planning and implementing all aspects of these meetings. Randi also handles exhibitor logistics and relations for CASSS meetings and is the lead for planning and implementing the virtual elements of our meetings.
Secret Super Power: X-Ray Vision – the ability to see the good in any situation and challenge. I am a firm believer in the glass half full mentality and always try to see the good in everything.

Lauren maintains our member database, registration portals, and coordinates our speaker needs. At CASSS Symposia she facilitates Roundtable discussions.
Secret Super Power: Empathy - Being able to understand information from different perspectives allows me to adapt and fit the needs of each specific situation. Diverse perspectives in collaboration will always improve the end result.

Breanna plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth and efficient day-to-day operations of CASSS. Breanna maintains the member database and registration portals for all meetings.
Secret Super Power: Adaptability – I thrive on the challenge of encountering new opportunities and navigating change.

Renee facilitates, develops and implements analytics‐driven marketing and membership strategies for CASSS. These strategies raise visibility and participation for CASSS conferences, initiatives, products and services. She is also responsible for strategically managing CASSS website and social media presence.
Secret Super Power: Clarity – Being direct, getting answers, drilling down to the brass tacks and making decisions. I ensure our team saves time and money and keep them from going around in circles for hours.

Anne adds value to CASSS by developing the digital strategies and operational technologies used to create exceptional online experiences for members and staff. She loves her unique role because it’s completely different from anything she’s worked on in her 20 years in associations.
Secret Super Power: Enthusiasm – The ability to bring excitement and passion to a project or task, as well as in everyday life, with Tigger as my kindred spirit. In other words, I do my best to make things fun, even when they are not.

Christina is primarily responsible for coordinating, implementing, and maintaining day-to-day messaging for company websites, email, and social channels. She also assists with other marketing and communication initiatives and provides support to the Director, Marketing and Communications.
Secret Super Power: Detective – I listen intently to investigate all presented details and identify areas that need further input. I might ask a lot of questions that seem unnecessary or cautious, but it is important for my eagle eyes to envision the full story.

Mikaela plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth and efficient day-to-day operations of CASSS. Mikaela also manages the WCBP, DCDG, and NLab committees and is responsible for planning and implementing all aspects of these meetings.
Secret Super Power: Pizzazz – Using that Mikaela flair, I am on a constant mission to transform the ordinary and mundane into extraordinary - leaving my mark, and a little glitter, on the way.
Email Mikaela

Carolyn manages the CMC Strategy Fora committees in Europe, Japan, and North America and is responsible for planning and implementing all aspects of these meetings.
Secret Super Power: The Calming Effect - Crying baby? Hand them to me and I can calm and soothe them. On the ledge from life and work? Call me up and I can help make you laugh and see a different side of things. It’s amazing what the power of a good ear and a soothing touch can do!

Alberto leads and manages the daily operations of the accounting department. He helps maintain the responsibility for the financial health of the organization.
Secret Super Power: Speed - Being able to tackle numerous requests and deliver to customers and/or team in a flash. Making sure everything is done promptly and accurately.